Musical Theater Camp (1st-5th)

Musical Theater Camp

Rising Grades 1st-5th

During our Musical Theater Camp students take classes with professional teachers in the musical theater field and hone their acting, voice and dancing skills. Campers explore the performing arts in a safe, nurturing and artistically challenging environment. Daily acting, voice and dance classes are taught through games, exercises and technique classes. Each week, performers will learn music and choreography from different Broadway musicals, culminating in a showing at week’s end.

Musical Theater Camp:
July 22nd - July 26th
July 29th - August 2nd

Monday-Friday | 9:00am - 3:30 pm
Tuition: $545 per week

Downloadable Registration Form

July 22nd - July 26th
July 29th - August 2nd

Monday-Friday | 9:00am - 3:30pm


Click On the Link to Register:

Musical Theater Camp July 22nd – July 26th

Musical Theater Camp July 29th – August 2nd

Storybook Dance

Ages (3-6) Join us for a morning of movement, music and art with a different children’s story as the theme each week. Learn More

Dance Camp

(1st-5th grades) This camp offers a full day of classes in ballet, modern, jazz, hip hop, musical theater, and more! A Summer Camp Experience you do not want your child to miss! Learn More

A not-for-profit organization that promotes the awareness of dance and the opportunity to dance for all without boundaries and borders.